Code of conduct

Coach-educators delivering Football for Schools sessions are asked to adhere to the following code of conduct:

As a member of staff or volunteer, I will promote good practice and:

  • make Football for Schools a fun and inclusive experience
  • complete basic safeguarding awareness training.
  • respect the rights, dignity and worth of every child without discrimination on account of age, race, skin colour, ethnic, national or social origin, gender, disability, language, religion, political opinion or any other opinion, wealth, birth or any other status, sexual orientation or any other reason.
  • always report any concern of poor practice or abuse immediately to the person responsible for safeguarding in the school or appropriate local authorities. I acknowledge that I must report any concerns I may have – no action is not an option.
  • lead by example when it comes to good sportsmanship and be a role model for children – this includes not drinking alcohol, taking drugs, or using foul, racist, homophobic, or other discriminatory language in the presence of children.
  • respect my position of trust and maintain appropriate boundaries with children.
  • work in an open environment and avoid spending time alone with children away from others.
  • arrive in sufficient time to set up activities and ensure that risk assessments are undertaken as necessary for all activities, programmes, and events involving children.
  • ensure children are safe by supervising appropriately and using safe training methods and techniques.
  • never engage in bullying behaviour.
  • challenge any form of bullying behaviour among and towards children.
  • communicate in a constructive, age-appropriate manner with children, never humiliating them.
  • provide meaningful opportunities that empower children to share in the decision-making process.
  • never condone rule violations, any form of violence or the use of prohibited substances.
  • ensure that confidential information is not divulged unless with the expressed approval of all those concerned or where a case warrants disclosure to relevant authorities.

I will never:

  • engage in or allow any verbal, physical or sexually provocative games with or inappropriate touching of children (contact with buttocks, genitals and breasts will be avoided).
  • engage in any sexual relationship with any player under 18 years of age, including making sexually suggestive comments to a child.
  • groom or exploit a child for personal and financial gain.
  • engage in inappropriate use of social media – this includes engaging children in private social media conversation and never posting comments that could compromise their well-being or cause them harm.
  • reduce a child to tears or scare or humiliate him/her as a form of control.
  • intentionally physically hurt or threaten to hurt a child – hitting and punching may be regulated forms of contact in some (combat) sports but have no place in football.

Coach-educators are required to sign the Football for Schools code of conduct using the Football for Schools App. This includes confirming that  you have never been subject to allegations of child abuse or convicted for sexual or other violent offences. I have never been subject to disciplinary proceedings related to harming children or disqualified from working with children in any country.